Brianna's Spot

My journey in living and attempting to understand this thing called life...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I'm irritated.....

I've heard a million and one times that when you're married, you go through ups and downs and shit is good one minute and fucked up the next. Times when you love your spouse to death and other dimes you're wondering why in the fuck did I marry THIS motha-fucka????

I'm having the latter...all this week, E has been on my ever-lasting NERVES. First of all, he got a job or whatever, and the hours are 5:00 AM - 1:30 PM.....You'd think this nigga had been working the last 30 years. EVERYTHING is surrounding him and this fuckin job. Case in point, Wednesday night....I put D to bed and came downstairs about 11:00-ish to get online to do some routine and random stuff, balance the checkbook, look up some stuff, check e-mail, etc.. E has been sleeping downstairs because it's been hotter than Haiti here lately and it's cooler downstairs than upstairs. Plus he gets up at 4 AM and doesn't want to wake me and D up while he's getting ready. So anyway, he's sitting up watching Sportscenter. I ask him "Hey when are you going to bed?" He says "Don't worry about me, I'm straight" all with a fuckin attitude. So I'm thinking cool...he's staying up, I can get online. About 5 minutes after I sit down, here he starts...."Ummm How long are you gonna be on the computer?" I say "why" you are watching TV" Nowwwww all of a fuckin sudden, he's ready to go so sleep and I'm holding him up by being on the computer. So then I say "Ummm I'm not talking t o you, I'm just sitting here quietly, so what is the problem?" This nigga has the NERVE to respond and say "The mouse clicking is getting on my nerves. I DO have to get up at 4 AM and go to work" Like seriously......He's been in school the last 2 years and I've been the one getting up and going to work, but now he got a job, it's all about him.....So I, of course, proceeded to go the fuck off about how he hasn't given a good-godamn about me getting rest, when he comes upstairs at 3 AM for some ass cuz HE didn't have a fuckin job, or when he wants to have a chat at midnight when I had to go to work!

Wednesday was also his 30th birthday and I think he was thinking he'd get all this fanfare and lights and shit. Well his mother sent him an e-card, and 2 of his good friends called. That's about it. I think he was thinking the sky would open up for him because he had a major ass attitude about the fact that he didn't get that many calls. Once again, I said happy birthday to you, so what the fuck you getting shitty with me for????????

Then today. Before he started this job he has now, he worked for a temp service for like one week. Well after the week is over, they require you to go online, log your hours and the checks are processed and sent from Florida or some shit. The check was supposed to come in the mail either yesteray or today. It didn't come. So he calls me on my cell phone while I'm at the nail shop getting my nails done, screaming about how his check didn't come and if his shit ain't in the mail Monday, I'm gonna have to bail him out of jail because he's going down to the temp agency and beating somebody's ass, cuz he worked his hours and wants his money...blah blah blah. Now please don't mistake me for a bitch, I completely understand his anger and frustration, but seriously....why ya yellin at me man? I'm not the one responsible for your check! So I get home and try to cheer him up, but no. He's got the attitude from hell and everything I say, I'm getting one word responses from. We were supposed to go shopping this afternoon, as a family. No, he's mad so he doesn't go. So I take the kids by myself. While I'm out, I bought him a few polo shirt, because I knew he needed them for work. I come home and show him the shirts and he just looks at them for like 2 seconds and says, "you can put them back in the bag." Gee, thanks.

I just don't get why your spouse has to be the one to get the worst of someone's mood and behavior. When I got married, I didn't sign up for this shit, seriously. I got married because I was in love and thought this would be someone who would be my life-long partner. This shit is for the birds.

Monday, July 11, 2005

"Crime" of the Century....

Okay, not really, but it got your attention didn't it???? LOL. Seriously, my "crime" is old people in cars they have no business in. Let's take this morning...I'm on my way to work and I'm sitting on the ever-so-annoying-and-unneccsary-on-ramp-to-the-freeway-from-hell: Hwy 26. As I sit on there I notice a White Acura, looking lovely. The car was CLEAN! Rimmed up, dark tinted-windows, sunroof open, and the window rolled down just a tad. But it was about 2 cars ahead of me in the other lane, so I'm thinking, "Damn, I wanna know who's inside, I bet it's a straight HONEY!" Okay people, I'm married~not blind and I gotta get my excitement from somewhere!!!

So the metered online turns green and Acura goes, as he speeds off, he rolls down the window and hangs him arm out, Arm look good, so I'm thinking, I GOTTA see who's inside!!! Next, the car in front of me in my lane goes, a grey Lexus SUV. Then the car in the other lane goes, a green Ford Tempo. FINALLY, it's my turn. The light turns green and I SPEEEEED onto the freeway...then HALT. I'm stuck behind the motha-fuckin green Tempo, which contains the likes of Grandma-Dynamite going like 20 MPH on the GD freeway!!! Which brings me to "Crime" of the Century # 2534, Don't get on the freeway in which traffic is going 65, and you get on going, 35!!! Man, I'm from California and when my dad taught me to drive, he drilled in my head that when you get on the freeway, you drive the speed of traffic so the merge is smooth. Well on this particular day, the speed of traffic was about 55 MPH, which is rare for Hwy 26 on a Monday morning, but on THIS day, that was speed. But OOHHHH NOOOOO, Grandma Dynamite was merging at her lofty speed of 20 and not one mile faster.....

I look in front and the Acura is speeding away..NOOOOOOO!!! I can't let this happen, so I speed up and merge to the middle and then far left lane. I weaving in and out out of traffic and FINALLY catch up to the Acura, as we both exit 26 going towards downtown. We're stopped at a red light. I look over with my shy-but-sexy look and WTF do I see??? An old-ass man in the Acura! He must-a been at least 60, all this white hair blowin in the wind and puffin on a cig like that shit is going outta style. I could have DIED!!! The shame! The embarrassment! Maybe that was God's way of saying, "Bitch you know you married and ain't got no business lookin at other motha-fucka's anyway"!!!!