Brianna's Spot

My journey in living and attempting to understand this thing called life...

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Blahhh, I'm sick and it's only Thursday. On top of that, I have class tonight with "the asshole" teacher. Greatttt. *Newsflash* I'm not the most pleasant motha-fucka when I'm sick ~ Matter of fact, I can be a downright bitch. I stayed home sick yesterday which by about 2:0o pm, I was like what-the-fuck-did-I-stay-home-for? My coordinator took the day off, which I forgot, so my cell phone was seriously ringing like I worked for a phone-sex line or some shit. E went to school in the morning, but kept calling to check on me, and everytime he called the house phone, my cell phone would ring about 2 seconds later, and I wasn't in bed, I was downstairs, connected to my telecommute (so I can work from home) sending e-mails or checking on some other bullshit. By the 3rd time he called he was like, "why the fuck are you home if you're gonna work all day?" Good Point. So I went and took a nap for a few hours and turned my phone off. I turned it back on at about 5:30, to about 6 messages. What the hell~~ didn't you people get it when I changed my voice mail to say I'm home sick??? Couldn't you hear the sickness in my voice??? HELLO?? Anyone?? Bueller??? Damnit!

I came back to work today although I really should have stayed my black ass at home. I still feel like shit. My throat hurts like a motha and I can't stop coughing. But as soon as I walk in the door, I'm pulled in 50 different directions, plus I had 3 clients to go visit and a lunch appointment. My lunch appointment was with C ~ I finally got to see that sweet little baby, and he is so precious! Looks JUST like her husband. But I couldn't hold him cuz I didn't want little L to get sick, plus he slept the whole time. All I did was bitch about work to her. She's so great to talk to!

To top it all off, they hired this temp girl a few weeks ago, and the heffa made a comment today that kinda irked my nerves. She walks by me and goes "Did you get your hair cut?" "No" I respond, and she says "Oh, it looks cute today" and walks the fuck off. Umm, cute TODAY?? Que Pasa? I know she ain't tryin' to say my shit looks fucked up every other day except today!!! Hmmph! Plus she has the ultra annoying habit of singing at her desk and she sits like kitty-corner to me. You wanna talk about irritating? When I'm trying to work, I'ma need some quiet, I don't feel like hearing your motha-fuckin melodies! I'm about to go postal up in this bitch!

Monday, April 25, 2005

It's Crazy Time...

I'm officially tearing my hair out....the last few weeks have been absolutely crazy!!! I don't even know where to start...How about school. I started an International Marketing Class and the 1st week, our instructor was out on business so we had a substitute ~ The guy was awesome! He totally engaged the class, was very interesting to listen to and had great stories, class was awesome.... Then enter week 2 and our "regular" instructor was there....Let me just say 3 words - "TEACHER FROM HELL" this guy was AWFUL!! A pompous little ass who has an MBA from Harvard, I can't even remember all of his credentials but the guy acts like he walks on water and everyone else is his little peasant. Class did not go well. Many in the class are extremely outspoken so it was rough going. After class I was so angry when I got home I sent an e-mail to my advisor just going off about how horrible this guy is. The next day the class waged an all out war on this guy - like 20 out of the 25 students went to their advisors. After all that drama, they still kept him as the instructor. I had headaches and stomach aches all week long worrying about class. Last Thursday was like the Twilight Zone...Ole boy did a complete 180! He adjusted the workload, was all nice and friendly, the shit was amazing!

Home is ultra busy too. Let's see. D is sick, J is sick and now I have managed to get sick ~WONDERFUL! I wasn't able to clean like I normally do, so I feel like the house is a disaster area, and I hate that feeling! On top of that ~ I'm ultra grouchy when I'm sick.

This past weekend my niece babysat and E and I went to Red Lobster for dinner at which pont I had an interesting thing happen that has me pondering...Hmmm....I'm not sure what to think of what took place when we first entered. I told my niece about it and she had some insightful comments. I guess I should leave it alone though, but it really has me wondering what if??? Cuz damn....It did open my eyes though, you NEVER know who's looking! :-) And that's all I have to say about that! After dinner we went and saw "The Interpreter" - what a great movie! It was so suspenseful, at one point I looked over at E and was like "This movie is AWESOME!" The week before that we went to Benihana for dinner (my 2nd FAVORITE spot) and then went and saw Beauty Shop. Yet another good movie!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Hump Day Madness

So it's Wednesday people and already what a day it has been. I swear I feel like I am on an emotional roller-coaster. First off, got in a huge fight with my husband last night. Why, you may ask? Because I met with my study group for school last night at the home of one of the group; she lives in Sherwood. (In a VERY posh house too I may add!) I was supposed to pick something up after I was done for dinner. Well when he called at about 8:00, I told him we were "just about finished" and I would "call him from the car". About an hour later he calls back as I'm walking out the door, SCREAMING in the phone asking where I am. Umm, didn't I say I'd call you from the car? Ergo, no call...I'm not in the fucking car! So I start to tell him we went a little longer and divided up the assignments for the next 2 weeks so we don't have to meet until the end of April. His response? Screaming and yelling that I should have called and told him we were still there. My thought? Why? I told you I would call when I left! The kicker to this whole situation was 2 weeks ago, I went out with a bunch of my friends from school to this little bar after we finished our final in our last class for a few drinks and I called and told him about it. I kept calling to let him know where I was and he responded "Oh I am not mad, as long as I know where you are, take as long as you want." Umm, did he NOT know where I was last night? I get so sick of his back and forth unclear Bullshit, just makes me want to scream! So anyway, I'm sure our neighbors were ULTRA impressed with us yelling at 10 PM last night. Now we're not talking. Last night I slept like SHIT and kept waking up. At one point I woke up with my head throbbing and my throat all scratchy, so now I'm getting sick on top of all this drama. Fabulous start to my day.

This morning I had an 8:00 AM meeting with my boss. Turns out it was my yearly review. Wasn't as bad as I thought, actually it was quite good. Now I'm walking around with my chest out, super impressed with myself!!! Go girl, Go girl!!

Then the bad. Some of my friends irk my ever-lasting nerve. For WEEKS now a bunch of my friends have planned a girls weekend up in Seattle for this weekend. Now at the 11th hour, everyone in cancelling. M has some MAJOR shit going on, but even she was like "girl I'm down if you're down" I would understand her cancelling, but she's the one ready to ride. K came up with some excuse that she forgot about an appt. she has on Sunday at 11:00. Next friend, Iv~ just won't return a call or e-mail these days. She's the type that once she meets a dude, she forgets she had friends, and just gets all wrapped up in the dude and fucks off everyone else~ and guess what, she just met a dude. So I haven't talked to her in a minute. V is just plain flaky. Ol' girl will get a sniffle and not to go work for 3 weeks. So she's on some shady shit too. So I just e-mailed M and was like, girl take care of your shit, we can go another time. But I was so looking forward to this trip, so I'm kinda disappointed, but Oh well. That's more $$$ for me to shop with this weekend! There is always a plus!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to D!!!

Today is my youngest son D's 2nd birthday. At 8:11 AM he made his grand entrance into the world 2 years ago. My children's birthdays always cause me to reflect on the HELL I went through to get them here. D was a scheduled C-Section because they thought he was going to be large child(I was told by my doctor that according to the ultrasounds I had close to my due date that he would be over 9 lbs.) and I would have difficulty delivering him. So when he made his entrance weighing in at a hefty 6 lbs 13 oz. I was a bit surprised. But nonetheless he was (and still is) a beautiful child. This was evident by my husband's profound remark when he saw him for the first time -"Wow -He's DOPE"!!! Two years later he is the householod terror. I'm convinced he hit the terrible two's about 6 months ago and is still going strong. Temper tantrums, throwing things, and into EVERYTHING. But God love him, he's still my son.

Yesterday we celebrated his birthday at Chuck E Cheese. Why-oh-why do we as parents punish our selves by taking our children to that place? Maybe it's to see that look on their face when they walk in of, "Oh my gosh, I'm about to tear this bitch up!!!" So we had a scheduled birthday party which I reserved for 9. No one showed up except for us. The Dysfunctionals (a.k.a. my family) didn't show. Now there's a shocker. Actually my sister T showed up about 15 minutes before the damn party was over claiming she "just got" my message. Mind you I left the damn message Saturday morning, but I'm not even taking it there. My mom, I called on Friday morning and actually spoke to her and told her. Her response was "I don't know where Chuck E Cheese is" Hmmm, the same damn Chuck E Cheese that I had J's party 2 years ago and D's 1st birthday party last year? That one??? So I get a straight sorry-ass e-mail this morning claiming she didn't have the address...Ummm Rigghhhht. Betcha never missed one of B's parties (my niece) Lonnnnggggggg story there.

*Moving on*

So we get there and the party was okay. D was having a bit of a fit because he was scared of the big rat, so we had a hard time getting some good pictures but we got a few. Then we discovered there was a Toddler's area with a play structure and slide for 2 and under, so we took him over there and the kid had a blast. We actually had to pry him away to sing him Happy B-Day. When it was time to blow out the candles, D just looked around like, what the F??? Gave a half-hearted blow and went on to start eating cake. So I blew them out. He then got down and went right back to the toddler slide. Peace out!

The party had to come to a close when he threw a temper tantrum for no apparent reason; both E and I could not figure out what the boy was screaming about so I took him for a walk. The boy decided he wants to push everyone out the way to get to the skee-ball games, grab the balls away from people actually playing the game and throw the balls at people. Okay people, time to go!!

So we made our quick exit and headed home for him to terrorize the house a bit more until bedtime. After he fell asleep I came and laid with him for a little while and watched him sleep, amazed at what an amazing creation children are. At 12:01, I kissed him while he slept about 500 times, sang Happy Birthday to him quietly, told him how much Mommy loves him and turned the lights. Happy Birthday D!!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

It's Finally Friday!!!

Has this just been the longest week, EVERRRRR!! Good grief, I was seriously thinking Friday would NEVER get here!

My friend C who I work with had her baby today. She had a C-Section, and I'm super happy for her. Congratulations C!!! :-) It's going to suck around the office though for the next few months because C was really the only person who I confided in about work stuff, so now it's gonna be kinda lonely for me. I think that's part of the reason I've been in a funk all this week~I'm just a little sad about her being gone.

Home life is cool, but the Evil-Ex struck again today. I guess I must have forgotten to set my alarm clock so I didn't wake up to get T & J up. He comes every morning at 6:45 to pick them up. I woke up when I heard by phone ring at 7:00 AM with him screaming into the phone to "send his kids out" Ummmm, his kids??? What the fuck?? I could have sworn I was the pregnant one, and had some part in getting them here, but whatever. So I am already knowing that when I go to pick them up tonight, I'll have to wait, or he will send some stupid-ass note with the kids when they come out. Now mind you, this is probably only the 2nd time in at least 2 YEARS that I haven't gotten up, but if you knew the evil-ex you'd know that in his mind, his ass is perfect, and I'm the worst individual on the face of the earth (in his messed up thinking). But when I come to get the kids, are they ready?? Ummm No. On the regular, I wait between 5-15 minutes for the kids to come out because he doesn't have them get ready until I honk to signal I'm outside. Trust, me this dude is the most hypocritical fucked up individual on the face of the planet and he shows it on the daily. I could go on and on about him, but that would just irritate me even more. Damn, is it 5:00 yet??

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I've got the blahh's today...

Have you ever had a day where you're just in what I call a "blah" mood? I'm sad, I can't figure out why, I have no desire to work the weather here SUCKKKSSSSS, as usual it's raining and I just want to go hide under a blanket! Maybe something is wrong with me. I'm tired as hell~I cannot seem to get enough sleep and moody as all hell.

I haven't been to the gym all week either. What the F~ is my problem? I'm usually miss "on the ball" ~ Up every day at 5:00 or 6:00, at the gym, getting my work out on. This week, not so much. But I haven't had much of an appetite either so I don't feel all that bad.

This can't be anything that a weekend can't clear up!

Monday, April 04, 2005

My Weekend

What a weekend! Is it me, or does everyone become "extra exhausted" we change to Daylight Savings? I swear I am dragging my ass today!

First off, T & J were with their dad this weekend, so it was just Me, E, and D. So Saturday - I got up way later than I wanted to because my son D decided to wake up at 4 AM and not go back to sleep until 8. Ummm did he not realize, it's the weekend? I don't get up early on the weekends to save my life! So I totally slept until almost 2 PM, and I only woke up because my husband kept coming upstairs whining "Are you everrrrrrrr going to gettttt upppppp??" So I got up, we got dressed and hit the mall. What fun that was~ I love shopping and one of the things I loveee about my husband is that he is a total Metrosexual. He loves shopping more than I do! He picks out my clothes all the time and keeps me looking like the diva that I am :-)

We spent so much time shopping by the time we looked at the time it was 6 PM, and we had dinner reservations downtown at 6:30. So I'm thinking, Hmmm, can we make it from Washington Square, to my house to drop off D with the babysitter and make it back downtown in 30 minutes? Umm NO. So I called, changed the dinner reservations to 9:00 and we missed seeing Beauty Shop, and kept shopping! Yay! We finally made it to dinner at 9:00 and it was soooo delish! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Melting Pot, and my husband for taking me there! When we got to the restaurant, it was like 8:50, so we sat in the bar for like 35 minutes, just talking and laughing. The bartender came up to us and was like "Are you two married?" and we said "yes" and he asked how long, so we told him, and he says "I've been watching you guys and you two just look so happy together, like you really love each other" How cute is that?!

Sunday, we just went grocery shopping and did miscellaneous errands. Then Sunday night...what drama. My husband and I got into a huge argument at about 1:00 AM over his mother, and finances etc, which lasted until around 3 AM. Hmm, maybe that is why I am so tired! I'm sure if that bartender lived next door to us, he wouldn't have called us so happy! :-)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Random Thoughts

Today must be my day for deep thinking! As I stated in my profile, I am an Account Manger for a Health Insurance company. However, what I didn't mention is that I am a black female. Since I'm in a sales role, I am out of the office quite a bit meeting with agents and clients and doing presentations etc. However, my black ass lives in Oregon. *NEWSFLASH* there ain't too many black people in Oregon, and there for damn sure aren't too many black people in the insurance industry here. Did you know that back in the day, the largest percentage of the KKK members came from Oregon??? Sometimes it's gets upsetting when I go out to meet agents or clients and I get that all too familar reaction and look of "Ohhh she is black". (Which I will refer to as, "The Look"). However, with a name like Miesha, I'm thinking, "how in the hell DIDN'T you know my ass was black? Now true enough, when I speak my ethnicity is not apparent - but still~ some days the shit really irks my nerves.

Case in point, this morning. I had an enrollment meeting with a client and the agent. The agent who represents this client~ I really don't care for. I've spoken to him several times on the phone and he's kinda rude, and super stupid. So anyway - first of all, I wake up late. My meeting was at 9:00 and I woke up at 8:15. I got dressed and was out of the house by 8:26. No shower and feeling like complete shit, I race down to the meeting. I get there EXACTLY at 9:00. I even beat the agent there! (Go Miesha! Go Miesha!) As I'm loading the materials I need for the meeting, the agent, drives up. He gets out and introduces himself and I get "The Look". Instantly, he's irritated me and now I don't like his ass even more than I did before we met. So we go in and I run the meeting which lasted about 45 minutes, and he keept interjecting with stupid random comments, and in my head I keep saying "IDIOT" (in that Napoleon Dynamite voice), and giving him that look of "Will you shut the fuck up so I can get this shit done and get the fuck outta here?" When I get done, he gets up and just walks off and starts talking chatting it up with all the employees, and doesn't say anything to me. So I'm thinking, okay I'm done, so I'm out! So I gather up my shit and walk to my car. As I am about to drive away, he comes out and walks to my window and just stands there. I'm thinking, what the hell do you want? So I get out and walk around to him and he shakes my hand and mumbles some BS and asks for a business card, totally forced and not very friendly-ish. So I give him a business card, get in my car and roll out.

So I come to the office and I'm really bothered by this whole encounter, and as I'm sitting in the bathroom I think, You know what? If someone has a problem with my blackness, that is THEIR problem! I will still treat people with respect, until they disrespect me, but I have got to not let this bother me and how I perform my job. Is that not a randomly stupid yet profound thought?